Shuhei Kashiwamura, Shun Katakami, Taiga Yamasaki, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Kenji Nagata, Toshihiro Okajima, Ichiro Akai, Masato Okada. Noise-robust analysis of X-Ray absorption near-edge structure based on poisson distribution. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods. 2024. 4. 1
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Fabio Iesari, Hiroyuki Setoyama, Toshihiro Okajima, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Ichiro Akai, Masato Okada. Appropriate Basis Selection Based on Bayesian Inference for Analyzing Measured Data Reflecting Photoelectron Wave Interference. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2024. 93. 7
Naoya Mamada, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Ichiro Akai, Toru Aonishi. Detection of Nonuniformity in Parameters for Magnetic Domain Pattern Generation by Machine Learning. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2024. 93. 5
Photosynthesis: Theory and Applications in Energy, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Nova Science Publisher 2009 ISBN:9781606927199
Photosynthesis: Theory and Applications in Energy, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology
Nova Science Publisher 2009 ISBN:9781606927199
光物性の基礎と応用 (共著)
オプトロニクス社 2006
物理学実験 第3版 (共著)
東京教学社 2000 ISBN:4808220164
講演・口頭発表等 (577件):
Mesoscopic spatial variation of electronic states extracted from two-dimensional X-ray absorption spectra representing ion transport in a model electrode of a lithium-ion battery
(MRM2023 2023)
Gate modulation spectrum analyses in an organic field-effect transistor of pentacene using Bayesian spectroscopy
(MRM2023 2023)
Bayesian Spectroscopy for X-ray Absorption and X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra Measured on a Nickel Thin Film
(MRM2023 2023)
Bayesian spectroscopy for synchrotron radiation spectra
(ALC'22: 14th Int. Sump. on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '22 2022)
Bayesian spectroscopy of synthesized X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra at the Ni-L3, -L2 edges
(ICMSN-2022: 5th Int. Conf. on Materials Science and Nanotechnology 2022)