Recognition of the community life of patients with chronic schizophrenia: Study of psychiatric nurses employed in psychiatric hospitals in Japan.
(6th International Meeting of WPA Anti-stigma Section, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.2.13-14 2013)
Caregiver experiences of people with schizophrenia comparison Korea and Japan.
(15th Pacific Rim Congress of Psychiatry, Seoul, Korea 2012)
Psychiatric nurses’ beliefs about treatability of mental illness and resources for community life in Japan.
(13th International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Kaoshun, Taiwan. 2011)
Needs for crisis intervention among family caregivers with schizophrenia patients in Japan; Comparison between inpatients and outpatients.
(13th International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Kaoshun, Taiwan. 2011)
2012/10 - The PRCP Award in research based oral presentation(第15回環太平洋精神科医会議 学会賞) Caregiver experiences of people with schizophrenia comparison Korea and Japan(統合失調症を持つ人の家族の介護経験に関する日韓比較研究)
2004/10 - 18th World Congress of World Association for Social Psychiatry(第18回世界社会精神医学会)学会賞 受賞英文タイトル:Causes for the burden of care felt by the mothers of patients with schizophrenia(統合失調症患者の母親の介護負担感に関連する要因)
2004 - The JSSP/WASP AWARD(18th World Congress of World Association for Social Psychiatry
所属学会 (10件):
, 多文化間精神医学会
, 日本看護科学学会
, 日本精神衛生学会
, 日本精神保健看護学会
, 日本社会精神医学会
, 日本精神障害者リハビリテーション学会
, Japan Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
, Japanese Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation
, Japanese Association for Social Psychiatry