Investigation of the structure of sea and land breeze
Characteristics of strong turbulence in a stably stratitied flow
Study on universal structure of atmospheric turbulence
論文 (13件):
K. Sassa, M. Komatsubara. Laboratory experiment of non-supercell tornado genesis on local front. 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, APCWE 2017. 2017
K. Taniwaki, K. Sassa, T. Hayashi, Y. Hono, K. Adachi. Statistical characteristics of gusty wind conditionally sampled with an array of ultrasonic anemometers. Springer Proceedings in Physics. 2012. 141. 271-274
Koji Sassa, Saki Takemura. Vorticity budget of a tornado-like vortex. 13TH EUROPEAN TURBULENCE CONFERENCE (ETC13): VORTICITY DYNAMICS. 2011. 318
Koji Sassa, Saki Takemura, Kensuke Yamashita. The behavior of windborne debris accompanied by a traveling tornado. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, APCWE-VII. 2009
Buoyancy effect and universal structure of a stably stratified turbulence field (共著)
Advances in Turbulence (]G0008[), International Center for National Methods in Engineering, Barcelona 2000
Three Dimensional Configration of a Large-Scale Conerent Vortex in a Turbulent Boundary Layer(共著)
IUTAM Symposium on Simulation and Identification of Organized Structures in Flows, Kluwer Academic 1999
Reynolds Stress Distribution around a Large-Scale Coherent Vortex in a Turbulent Boundary Layer(共著)
Advances in Turbulence (]G0005[), Kluwer Academic Pub. 1995