Quality Approach to Stroke Patients: as investigation into quality of life and factors influencing it.
2003 -
The Quality of Life and the Care Burden of Family Caregiver.
2003 -
Measurement of Care Burden on Family Caregiver: Using a New Assessment for Burden on Caregiver(ABC-16).Symposium: The Impact of Caregiving Across Different Diagnosis: Differences and Similarities
2003 -
Reliability and Validity of a New Assessment for Burden on Caregiver(ABC-16)
2002 -
Effect of Music on Autonomic Nervous Activity in healthy volunteers: Preliminary study with a newly developed Wavelet analysis of heart rate fluctuation.
2001 -
, 全国大学メンタルヘルス研究会
, 日本学校メンタルヘルス学会
, 全国大学保健管理協会
, 日本心身医学会
, 日本老年医学会
, 日本精神神経学会
, Japan Association of University Mental Health
, Japan Association of School Mental Health