Assessment of non-uniform ground motion effect on non-linear multi-span bridge pounding responses. JSCE Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2005. Vol. 28. CDROM
Assessment of non-uniform ground motion effect on non-linear multi-span bridge pounding responses. JSCE Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2005. Vol. 28. CDROM
書籍 (14件):
Effect of multiple-sided poundings on the response of bridge decks due to spatially varying ground motions
Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Perth, Australia 2004
Effectiveness of measures for reducing the pounding responses of adjacent buildings with pedestrian bridges during Kobe near-source ground motions
Journal of Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University 2004
Investigation on reduction of Kobe earthquake inducedpounding responses of adjacent multi-stroery buildings with pedestrian bridges
JSSI 10th anniversary summer on performance of response controlled buildings, Yokohama, Japan 2004
Reduction of the pounding effect between bridge girders induced by spatially raring ground motions
Proceeding of the eighth international symposium on structural engineering for young experts 2004
Friction device for reduction of multiple-sided poundings of bridge decks during near-source earthquakes
Proceedings of the 6th international summer symposium 2004