'Zen' practice of the author of Takemukiga-ki under the direction of an elder of Ry(]E87C7[)ju-ji. Kokugo Kokubun. 2000. 69. 12. 16-31
'Jodo' doctrine in Takemukiga-Ki. Hiroshimajoshidaikokubun. 1999. 16. 13-29
The Expression of the Poems in Takemukiga-ki-In comparison with tanka-poets she associated with-. 1999. 7. 133-148
The Poems in the First Volume of Takemukiga-ki-On the poems exchanged with Kinmune-. 1999. 2. 118-134
The function of the poems in the text structure of ┣DBTAKEMUKI-GA-KI(/)-┫DB -especially on the description of the end of the year of Genko-gannen. 1998. 1. 102-118