Tatsuya Nakanishi. A flexible choice of comrades: the dynamic identity of the Muslim Huis of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. International Journal of Asian Studies (First View/ Open Access). 2024. 1-16
Nakanishi, Tatsuya. After Criticism of Ma Dexin against Veneration of Saints: Rethinking Chinese Elaboration of Islam. イスラーム世界研究(Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies). 2021. 14. 138-161
Utilizing Arabic Sources for the Exploration of Islam in China: A Study of Book of Ode in Arab (Tianfang shijing 天方詩經
(Dealing with Uncertainty: New Approaches to Feasibility Studies on Muslims in China, held in National Chengchi University, Taipei 2024)
The Arabic Turn among Hui Muslim Scholars during the Nineteenth Century
(Islam and Muslims in China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Transformations and Global Influences (under the auspices of King Faysal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) 2023)
Apologetic Miracles: Ma Zhenwu and the Chinese Communist Party in an Arabic Hagiography
(Red Gold Yearly Workshop 2 (held in Provins, France, on June 13-15th, 2023) 2023)
Concepts of Tariqa in China
(Islam in China: Sects and Sectarianism (in Waseda University, Tokyo on January 21th-22th, 2023) 2023)