Development of Interacive Learning Environment for Physics
Study of Electric and Optical Properties in "direct bonded Si"
Effect of Microwave on Coulomb osillation in a quantum dot
MISC (38件):
Optically controled spen-splitting in photo excited In GaAs/InAAs hetero struduses. Proceedings 26th Int.Couf.Physics Sewicond.Edinbrugh 2002. 2003
Optically controled large spin-orbit interaction in lnχ Gal-χ As/1ny Al1-y As Heterostructwes. Phyxica C. 2003. to be published
Obseruation of a Large Spen.Orbit Interaction in Photoexcited inχ Gal-χ As/Iuy Aly As heterostructuee. J.Superconductivity Incorporating Norol Magnetism. 2003. to be published
Optically controled spen-splitting in photo excited In GaAs/InAAs hetero struduses. Proceedings 26th Int.Couf.Physics Sewicond.Edinbrugh 2002. 2003
Optically controled large spin-orbit interaction in lnχ Gal-χ As/1ny Al1-y As Heterostructwes. Phyxica C. 2003. to be published