The response of cat muscle spindle primary endings to FM muscle vibration during fusimotor stimulation or following local injection of tetanus toxin (共著)
The muscle Spindle, The MacMillan Press 1984
Works (2件):
1998 -
Methods and the unit for estimation of human psycological change
1998 -
学歴 (2件):
- 1969 千葉大学 工学部 電気工学科
- 1969 千葉大学
学位 (1件):
経歴 (10件):
1993 - (3 months) Institute of Physiol.,Glasgow Univ.
1993 - (3 months) Inst.Physiology,Glasgow Univ.,
1971 - 1986 School of Med. Chiba Univ.,Assistant, and
1978 - 1980 Harvard Medical School (Prof.E.Henneman's
1978 - 1980 Harvard Medical School, Dept.Physiol.,