研究キーワード (7件):
, 医療系薬学
, 応用薬理学
, 生物系薬学
, Medical Pharmacology and Pharmacology
, Applied Pharmacology
, Biopharmacology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
1998 - 日本脳炎ウィルスによるパーキンソン病モデルラットに関する研究
1998 - 内因性モノアミンオキシダーゼ活性阻害物質イサチンに関する研究
1998 - Study on Parkinson disease model rat by the Japanese encephalitis virus
1998 - Study on isatin, an endogenous monoamine oxidase inhibitor.
1996 - 高脂血症に関する研究
1996 - Study on hyperlipidemia
1993 - カテコ-ルアミンの硫酸抱合型に関する研究
1993 - Study on metabolism of catecholamine sulfate
MISC (91件):
The efficacy of isatin, an endogenous MAO inhibitor, on striatal dopamine levels in rat model of parkinson's disease induced by japanese encephalitis virus.(共著). 米国神経科学会 33rd Annual Meeting(ニューオリンズ). 2003
Isatin, an endogenous MAO inhibitor, increased dopamine and acetylcholine levels in the rat striatum.( (共著). 米国神経科学会 33rd Annual Meeting(ニューオリンズ). 2003
Isatin, an endogenous MAO inhibitor, increased dopamine and acetylcholine levels in the rat striatum. (jointly worked). Neurosciences 33rd Annual Meeting(Neworleans). 2003
The efficacy of isatin, an endogenous MAO inhibitor, on striatal dopamine levels in rat model of parkinson's disease induced by japanese encephalitis virus. Neurosciences 33rd Annual Meeting(Neworleans). 2003
, 日本薬学会
, 日本薬理学会
, Society For the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
, The Pharmaceutical society of Japan
, The Japanese Pharmcological society