S Tsugawa, S Kato. Evaluation of incident information transmission on highways over inter-vehicle communications. IEEE IV2003: INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM, PROCEEDINGS. 2003. 12-16
H Aoyama, S Kato, S Tsugawa. Indexing of traffic flow image sequences for traffic information services. 2003 IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. 1 & 2. 2003. 529-533
S Kato, S Tsugawa. Evaluation of information transmission over inter-vehicle communications with simulation studies. IEEE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS. 2002. 324-329
S Tsugawa, S Kato, K Tokuda, T Matsui, H Fujii. A cooperative driving system with automated vehicles and inter-vehicle communications in demo 2000. 2001 IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS - PROCEEDINGS. 2001. 918-923