Hiroshi Miwa, Mio Omura, Takashi Wada, Yoshinori Kato, Keiichi Kanda. DYNAMIC STATE OF RIVER-MOUTH BAR IN YURAGAWA RIVER AND APPLICATION OF DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY IMAGE TO OBTAIN ITS TOPOGRAPHIAL DATA. Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR-APD Congress 2020, Sapporo, Japan. 2020. 22
Yoshihiro Okamoto, Junta Nishio, Keiichi Kanda, Koji Michioku, Fuminori Nakamura, Hiroshi Kubo. Study on Riverbed Variation Management by groin at a River Confluence Associated with the Barrage Water. Proceedings of the of the International Conference on River Flow, 2020, Delft, Netherlands. 2020
Junta Nishio, Yoshihiro Okamoto, Keiichi Kanda, Fuminori Nakamura. Study on Riverbed Variation Management by Groin at the Confluence of Kakogawa and Mino River. Proceedings of the of The 11th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, 2019, Auckland, New Zealand. 2019. 11
中村 文則, 井野 裕輝, 神田 佳一, 下村 匠. 消波ブロックが設置された海岸における飛来塩分の現地観測とその影響評価-FIELD OBSERVATION WITH SEA SALT SPRAY IN A COAST ON WAVE-DISSIPATING CONCRETE BLOCKS. 海洋開発シンポジウム講演集. 2019. 44. 6p