研究キーワード (6件):
, 海洋環境
, 閉鎖性海域
, Water Pollution
, Marine Environment
, Semi-enclosed Seas
競争的資金等の研究課題 (3件):
2006 - 2018 Study on ability of water quality improvement by tidal flats.
2006 - 2008 干潟の浄化機能に関する研究
2003 - 2005 内湾域の水質環境とその保全・修復に関する研究
MISC (26件):
H. Tanabe, S. Takahashi and K. Murakami (2004) : Relationship between saud bank topography and tidal residual flow in the Seto Inland Sea. Prof. of the 2nd Int'! Conf. on Asian and Pacifi Coast 2003. 2004. APAC 051, P1-10
Murakami K.(2002): The considerations of M2 components For numerial modeling of tidal current in the Seto Inland Sea, Advances in Fluid Modeling & TurbulenceMeasurements. World Scientific Publishing. 2002. 493-500