Akira Saito, Emiko Saito, Yasuo Ueda, Yoshihiro Shibukawa, Yoshiyuki Honma, Tomomi Takahashi, Mariko Kimura, Yoshinori Kuboki, Hiroshi kato. Effect of tunnel structure of β-TCP on periodontal repair in class III furcation defects in dogs. Development and Applications. 2014. 4
Akira Saito, Emiko Saito. The effect of EMD application for intentional replantation of periodontally involved teeth in dogs. JBR Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science. 2014. 3. 2. online journal
Akira Saito, Emiko Saito. Healing Following Implantation of Root With Remaining Periodontal Ligament Cultured In Vitro. Dentistry. 2014. 4. 5. online journal
Stress analysis under applying lateral force in one direction or jiggling type to periodontally involved teeth by FEM
(The 101st American Academy of periodontology annual meeting 2015)
Stress analysis on periodontium of sound teeth and teeth with reduced alveolar bone support model by finite element method
(The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) 101th Annual meeting 2015)
2013/09 - アメリカ歯周病学会 The Research Forum Basic Science Award Periodontal healing following various implantation methods of BMP-2 bFGF-2 and EMD in circumferential defects