Hiroshi Yoshihara, Makoto Maruta. Crack growth stabilization in the eccentric three-point end-notched flexure test of solid wood using side-grooved samples. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2024. 311. 110605-110605
Hiroshi Yoshihara, Masahiro Yoshinobu, Makoto Maruta. Comparing the in-plane shear moduli of cardboard measured by flexural vibration, torsional vibration, static torsion, off-axis vibration, and off-axis tension tests. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal. 2024. 39. 3. 359-373
Hiroshi Yoshihara, Masahiro Yoshinobu, Makoto Maruta. Effect of testing methods and sample configuration on the flexural properties of extruded polystyrene. Polymers. 2024. 16. 1857. 1-14
Hiroshi Yoshihara, Masahiro Yoshinobu, Makoto Maruta. Interlaminar shear modulus of cardboard obtained by torsional and flexural vibration tests. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal. 2023
Hiroshi Yoshihara, Masahiro Yoshinobu, Makoto Maruta. Bending stiffness and moment capacity of cardboard obtained from three-point and elastica bending tests. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal. 2023. 38. 1. 73-85
2011 - 2014 Holzforschung (De Gruyter, Germany) Advisory Board
2012/07 - 2012/07 The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology External Reviewer for the International Peer Review-Process
2009/04 - 2012/03 日本木材学会 編集委員会委員
2006/09 - 2012/03 日本材料学会 木質材料部門委員会運営委員
2009 - 2012 The Japan Wood Research Society Editorial Board
2010/10 - 2010/10 日本木材加工技術協会 岡山大会プログラム委員
2002/06 - 2010/05 日本木材加工技術協会 編集委員会委員
1998 - 2010 Wood Technological Association of Japan Editorial Board
2007/10 - 2009/06 日本木材学会 2007年・2008年度日本木材学会賞選考委員
2005/10 - 2009/06 日本木材学会 将来構想委員
2009/05 - 2009/05 科学技術振興機構 地域ニーズ即応型査読評価委員
2005/11 - 2007/08 日本木材学会 広島大会運営委員(プログラム編成委員)
2007/02 - 2007/02 日本材料学会 平成18年度論文賞専門審査委員
2006/12 - 2006/12 日本木材学会 平成18年度技術賞選考委員
2005/11 - 2005/11 日本材料学会 木質材料部門委員会第259回定例研究会代表世話人
2005 - Society of Wood Science and Technology Reviewing comittiee
2005 - ASTM International Participating Member Task group member on ASTM Inter Laboratory Study (ILS); Task group member on Compression perpendicular to grain
2018/11 - Elsevier Outstanding reviewer in "Engineering Fracture Mechanics"
2018/06 - Elsevier Outstanding reviewer in "Construction and Building Materials"
2017/04 - Elsevier Outstanding reviewer in "Composites Part A"
2016/11 - Elsevier Outstanding reviewer in "Engineering Fracture Mechanics"
2014/07 - Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer in “Composites Part A”
2014/02 - Walter de Gruyter Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles in Holzforschung
2013/10 - Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer in “Industrial Crops and Products”
2013/07 - Elsevier Top 25 Hottest Articles in Engineering Fracture Mechanics Initiation and propagation fracture toughness of solid wood under the mixed Mode I/II condition examined by mixed-mode bending test
2013/03 - Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer in “Applied Mathematical Modelling”
2009/01 - Elsevier Top 25 Hottest Articles in Engineering Fracture Mechanics Shear and crack tip deformation correction for the double cantilever beam and three-point end-notched flexure specimens for mode I and mode II fracture toughness measurement of wood
1994 - The Japan Wood Research Society Progress Award
所属学会 (9件):
Sigma Xi
, Forest Products Society (USA)
, 日本実験力学会
, Society of Wood Science and Technology
, ASTM International
, 日本機械学会
, 日本木材加工技術協会
, 日本材料学会
, 日本木材学会