- 1999 - 2006 高度好熱菌丸ごと一匹プログラム
- 蛋白質工学-機能蛋白質・酵素の分子設計, 蛋白質の耐熱化機構の解析, および新解析法の開発-
- Mechanism of DNA Repair DNA Repair, cancer, Thermophilic Bacteria
- Protein Engineering -Molecular Design of Enzymes, Thermal Stability of Proteins, and Development of New Analytical Methods- protein engineering, enzyme, thermal stability
- Structural-Biological Whole Cell Project Extremely Thermoplilic Bacterium, Structural Genomics, Functional Genomics
- 蛋白質工学-機能蛋白質・酵素の分子設計,蛋白質の耐熱化機構の解析,および新解析法の開発-
- DNA修復機構の解析
- Protein Engineering -Molecular Design of Enzymes, Thermal Stability of Proteins, and Development of New Analytical Methods-
- Mechanism of DNA Repair
- Structural-Biological Whole Cell Project