Analysis of Transverse monentum distributions oboerved at RHIC by a stochastic model in hyperbolic space
Proceedings of the XXXIII international symporium on multiparticle dynamics 2004
Analysis of Transverse monentum distributions oboerved at RHIC by a stochastic model in hyperbolic space
Proceedings of the XXXIII international symporium on multiparticle dynamics 2004
Identical Particle Correlations in Semi-Inclusive Events(共著)
Proceedings of the 8-th International Symposium on Multipartilce Production"Correlations and Fluctuations" at Matrahaza, Hungary 1998
Identical Particle Correlations in Semi-Inclusive Events(共著)
Proceedings of the 8-th International Symposium on Multipartilce Production"Correlations and Fluctuations" at Matrahaza, Hungary 1998
Wavelet Analysis of High Multiplicity Events(共著)
Proceedings of the XXIII International Symposium on MULTIPARTICLE DYNAMICS, (Nijimegen, 1996) 1997