川村, 真也, 羽後, 静子, 澁谷, 鎮明, 伊藤, 正晃, 庄司, 大智, 水野, 隆. 「勝川スタイル」の提案に向けた飲食店地図の効果に関する研究 -春日井市勝川駅前通商店街を事例として--The Research on the Effectiveness of Restaurant Maps of Shopping Street for Proposing "KACHIGAWA Style" -A Case Study of the Kachigawa Shopping Street-. 産業経済探究. 2024. 7. 73-85
Ernesto R Gregorio, Rie Takeuchi, Paul Michael R Hernandez, John Robert Medina, Shin-Ya Kawamura, Mikaela B Salanguit, Marian Danille C Santillan, Kimberly Mae S Ramos, Gideon John Tuliao, Lyndon Morales, et al. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to dengue among public school teachers in a Central Luzon Province in the Philippines: an analytic cross-sectional study. Tropical medicine and health. 2024. 52. 1. 25-25
川村, 真也, 羽後, 静子, 澁谷, 鎮明, 伊藤, 正晃, 庄司, 大智, 水野, 隆. 大学と商店街の連携による持続可能なまちづくり 自立分散型「勝川スタイル」の提案に向けた研究 -春日井市勝川駅前通り商店街を事例として(2022 年度報告)--University-Shopping Street Cooperation toward Sustainable Urban Development: In search of a KACHIGAWA Style of decentralized Independence shopping street -A case study of the Kachigawa Shopping Street (Research Report 2022)-. 産業経済探究. 2023. 6. 43-60
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