1995 - 2010 Gasification & Smelting Process for Waste
1990 - 2010 製鉄研究
1990 - 2010 Iron making technology
1987 - 2003 スクラップ溶解技術
1987 - 2003 Scrap Melting Technology
Recycling of fly ash
MISC (8件):
Takaiku Yamamoto, Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Matskura Shuichi Sasaki and Yasuyuki Hata: Gasification and Smelting System Using Oxygen Blowing for Plastic Waste. Proceedings of ISFR 2002, The 2<sup>nd</sup> International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics & Other Innovative Plastics Recycling Techniques. 2002. A23
Takaiku Yamamoto, Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Matskura Shuichi Sasaki and Yasuyuki Hata: Gasification and Smelting System Using Oxygen Blowing for Plastic Waste. Proceedings of ISFR 2002, The 2<sup>nd</sup> International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Plastics & Other Innovative Plastics Recycling Techniques. 2002. A23
Takaiku Yamamoto, Katsuya Isaka, Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Matskura and Hiroaki Ishida: Gasification and Smelting System Using Oxygen Blowing for Municipal Waste. ISIJ International, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 2000. 40. 3. 260-265
Takaiku Yamamoto, Katsuya Isaka, Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Matsukura, Hiroaki Ishida. Takaiku Yamamoto, Katsuya Isaka, Hirotaka Sato, Yoshinori Matskura and Hiroaki Ishida: Gasification and Smelting System Using Oxygen Blowing for Municipal Waste. ISIJ International, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 2000. 40. 3. 260-265