- 2002 - 子育て不安を抱く母親へのカウンセリングの研究
- 2002 - Study on Supporting Work in Child Rearing from the Viewpoint of Mothers Experiencing Child-rearing Anxiety
- 1990 - 幼稚園児の生活と発達のための保育者の援助に関する研究
- 1990 - Study on Teacher's Help with Children's Lives and Development in Kindergarten
- 1975 - 自我同一性障害を有する青年期女性の心理療法の研究
- 1975 - Study on Psychotherapy for Adolescent Female with Identity Disorder
- 1973 - 情緒障害をもつ子どもの遊戯療法の研究
- 1973 - Study on Play Therapy for Child with Emotional Disturbance