J-GLOBAL ID:200901060488076974
更新日: 2022年09月14日
降籏 正
フリハタ タダシ | Furihata Tadashi
獨協医科大学 医学部 医学科 第2外科学
獨協医科大学 医学部 医学科 第2外科学 について
「獨協医科大学 医学部 医学科 第2外科学」ですべてを検索
研究分野 (3件):
, 外科学一般、小児外科学
, 人体病理学
研究キーワード (6件):
, 浸潤転移
, 消化管
, Carcinogerresis
, Invasin Ad Hitaitin
, Gestusintestiel Tract
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
2001 - 2003 胆嚢癌の浸潤転移能の検索
2001 - 2003 Gall bladder cancer research
2000 - 2003 食道癌の浸潤、転移に関れる新規接着因子、浸潤促進因子の同定
2000 - 2003 Identification of genes differentially expressed in a newly isolated human metastasizing esophageal cancer cell line, T・Tn-AT1, by cDNA microarray
論文 (9件):
Tadashi Furihata, Makoto Furihata, Naoki Satoh, Masato Kosaka, Kunibumi Ishikawa, Keiichi Kubota. Repeated Duodenal Stump Perforation Using a Stapling Device Following Subtotal Gastrectomy With Roux-en-Y Reconstruction for Advanced Gastric Cancer: Lessons From a Rare Case. INTERNATIONAL SURGERY. 2015. 100. 4. 726-732
Makoto Furihata, Yuuki Iida, Tadashi Furihata, Eisaku Ito. A Giant Lymphatic Cyst of the Adrenal Gland: Report of a Rare Case and Review of the Literature. INTERNATIONAL SURGERY. 2015. 100. 1. 2-8
Tadashi Furihata, Tokihiko Sawada, Junji Kita, Yukihiro Iso, Masato Kato, Kyu Rokkaku, Mitsugi Shimoda, Keiichi Kubota. Serum alpha-fetoprotein Level per Tumor Volume Reflects Prognosis in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Curative Hepatectomy. HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2008. 55. 86-87. 1705-1709
Tokihiko Sawada, Keiichi Kubota, Junji Kita, Tadashi Furihata, Yukihiro Iso, Masato Kato, Kyu Rokkaku, Mitsugi Shimoda. Liver transplantation in Diego blood disparity: A case report. TRANSPLANTATION. 2007. 83. 4. 510-513
M Furihata, T Fujimori, J Imura, Y Ono, T Furihata, M Shimoda, M Kato, J Kita, Y Ohkura, K Kubota. Malignant stromal tumor, so called "gastrointestinal stromal tumor", with rhabdomyomatous differentiation occurring in the gallbladder. PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE. 2005. 201. 8-9. 609-613
MISC (12件):
KAWAMATA H, FURIHATA T, OMOTEHARA F, SAKAI T, HORIUCHI H, SHINAGAWA Y, IMURA J, OHKURA Y, TACHIBANA M. Identification of genes differentially expressed in a newly isolated human metastasizing esophageal cancer cell line, T・Tn-AT1, by CDNA microarray. Cancer Science. 2003. 94. 8. 699-706
H Kawamata, T Furihata, F Omotehara, T Sakai, H Horiuchi, Y Shinagawa, J Imura, Y Ohkura, M Tachibana, K Kubota, et al. Identification of genes differentially expressed in a newly isolated human metastasizing esophageal cancer cell line, T.Tn-AT1, by cDNA microarray. CANCER SCIENCE. 2003. 94. 8. 699-706
Evaluation of the malignant potential of aberrant crypt foci by immuno histochemical staining for β-catenin in inflammation-induced rat color carcinogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2002. 9. 4. 353-358
T Furihata, H Kawamata, K Kubota, T Fujimori. Evaluation of the malignant potential of aberrant crypt foci by immunohistochemical staining for beta-catenin in inflammation-induced rat colon carcinogenesis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 2002. 9. 4. 353-358
A new in vivo model for studying invasion and metastasis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Ouwlogy. 2001. 19. 903-907
学歴 (3件):
- 2003 獨協医科大学 外科学系消化器外科学
- 1997 獨協医科大学 医学部 医学科
- 1997 獨協医科大学
学位 (1件):
博士(医学) (獨協医科大学)
経歴 (6件):
1999 - 2003 獨協医科大学大学院
1999 - 2003 獨協大学
1997 - 1999 獨協医科大学第2外科 研修医
1997 - 1999 Gastroenterological Surgery,
Graduate School of Medicine
所属学会 (9件):
, 日本消化器内視鏡学会
, 日本臨床外科学会
, 日本消化器外科学会
, 日本消化器病学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本病理学会
, 日本外科学会
, American Assiciation for Cancer Research
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