Study on the central role of histamine H1 receptor by using gene-targetted mice
The study on the mechanism of desensitization of histamine receptor
論文 (35件):
Masahiro Morishita, Kaito Kobayashi, Moeri Mitsuzuka, Ryo Takagi, Kota Ono, Rami Momma, Yousuke Tsuneoka, Shuhei Horio, Shinji Tsukahara. Two-Step Actions of Testicular Androgens in the Organization of a Male-Specific Neural Pathway from the Medial Preoptic Area to the Ventral Tegmental Area for Modulating Sexually Motivated Behavior. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2023. 43. 44. 7322-7336
Junko Kono, Kohtarou Konno, Ashraf Hossain Talukder, Toshimitsu Fuse, Manabu Abe, Katsuya Uchida, Shuhei Horio, Kenji Sakimura, Masahiko Watanabe, Keiichi Itoi. Distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor neurons in the mouse brain: a study using corticotropin-releasing factor-modified yellow fluorescent protein knock-in mouse. BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION. 2017. 222. 4. 1705-1732
Shuhei Horio, Shuji Kitaike, Tetsuya Shiuchi, Yasuhiko Minokoshi, Makoto Sanbo, Takahiro Hirabayashi, Takeshi Yagi, Nobuyuki Kai, Kazuto Kobayashi, Takashi Ueyama, et al. Selective ablation of histamine H1 receptor-expressing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to study their role in the regulation of food intake. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E162-E162
Desensitization of muscarinic and ATP receptors in rat thoracic endothelial cells : the role of eftracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>.
The Biology of Nitric Oxide Part 6. (Ed. Moncada at al. )Portland Press. 1998
Desensitization of muscarinic and ATP receptors in rat thoracic endothelial cells : the role of eftracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup>.
The Biology of Nitric Oxide Part 6. (Ed. Moncada at al. )Portland Press. 1998
Desensitization of Histamine H1 Receptors in Smooth Muscle.
Receptor Desensitigation and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signaling (Ed. M.K. Uchida). Japan Scientific Societies Press. 1996
Desensitization of Histamine H1 Receptors in Smooth Muscle.
Receptor Desensitigation and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-Signaling (Ed. M.K. Uchida). Japan Scientific Societies Press. 1996
学位 (2件):
薬学博士 (東京大学)
(BLANK) (Kyushu University)
経歴 (4件):
2018/04 - 現在 自然科学研究機構 生理学研究所 特別協力研究員
2007 - 2008 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部助教
2005 - 2007 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部助手
1981 - 2001 University of Tokushima, Research assistant