How can we help students acquire knowledge in music classes?: A proposal based on the course of study in Japan
(Presentism and history in music education: what content for what future? (Study Group on ‘Transmission of Knowledge as a Primary Aim in Music Education’ , INTERNATIONAL MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY ) 2023)
2002 - The Japanese Society for Dalcroze-Eurhythmics and Music Education The chief of editors
1999 - 日本ダルクロ-ズ音楽教育学会 理事
所属学会 (8件):
, 日本音楽知覚認知学会
, 日本ダルクローズ音楽教育学会
, 日本音楽教育学会
, The Japanese Society for Dalcroze-Eurhythmics and Music Education
, The Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition
, Japan Academic Society for Music Education
, 日本音楽学会