Etsuko Namba, Kazuhiko Fujiwara, Yumiko Fukushima. Daily Life of the Ambulant at Health Care Service Facilities:Comparison with NHK NationalTime Use Survey. Journal of Nursing Health Science Research. 2007. 7. 2. 101-108
Etsuko Namba, Keizo Numata, Kimio Shimada. Pains in the Elderly -Correlation with Inactivity and Pain Management Strategies-. Report of UNIVERS Foundation in 2004. 2006. 1-23
Etsuko Namba, Keizo Numata, Kimio Shimada. Older People with Pain and Pain Management. Journal of KIBI International University School of Health Science. 2006. 11. 85-89
Etsuko Namba, Yuka Tatsumichi. How to Orient Themselves to the Health Care Facilities for the Elderly. Journal of Nursing Health Science Research. 2005. 5. 1. 123-132
Miyuki Iwata, tsuko Namba, Kimio Shimada. How to develop student' ability of active learning - Debate class -. Journal of KIBI International University School of Health Science. 2004. 9. 139-145
, 日本保健医療行動科学学会
, 日本保健医療社会学会
, 日本社会学会
, Liberal and General Education Society of Japan
, The Japan Academy for Health Behavioral Science
, The Japanese Society of Health and Medical Sociology
, The Japan Sociological Society