Osamu Arisaka, Satomi Koyama, George Imataka, Junko Naganuma, Takahiro Arisaka, Sei Akatsuka. The Unexpected Detection of Esophageal Varices Caused by Liver Cirrhosis in a 47-Year-Old Man Treated with a Growth Hormone in Childhood. Diseases. 2024. 12. 251
Osamu Arisaka, Go Ichikawa, Koryo Nakayama, Satomi Koyama, Toshimi Sairenchi. Low birth weight, weight gain trajectory in infancy, adiposity rebound, and risk of adult coronary heart disease. Journal of Pediatrics. 2023. 255. 261-262
Satomi Koyama, Tatsuo Tsuboi, Junko Naganuma, Osamu Arisaka, Shigemi Yoshihara. A Japanese girl with aldosterone synthase deficiency requiring fludrocortisone until 10 years of age. Pediatrics International. 2023. 65. 1
Satomi Koyama, Junko Naganuma, Osamu Arisaka, Shigemi Yoshihara. Insufficient weight gain under 3 years of age correlates with short stature in school-aged children. Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology. 2023. 32. 3. 188-191
Junko Naganuma, Satomi Koyama, Osamu Arisaka, Shigemi Yoshihara. Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is associated with obesity and atherogenesis in adolescent boys. Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2022. 27. 1. 30-36