Takashi Sakikawa. The connections between national and organizational cultures: Evidence from the UK, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Japan. Journal of Global Management,. 2024. 3. 67-86
The connections between national and organizational cultures and the consequences of organizational culture: Evidence from the UK, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Japan. proceedings for AIB 2023 annual conference, Warsaw, Poland. 2023
Ontology of multinational corporations’ organizational culture. 国際経営学論纂. 2023. 2. 75-92
Sakikawa Takashi. Organizational culture and organizational survival: The role organizational culture plays in developing organizational resilience. Journal of Strategic Management Studies. 2022. 14. 1. 17-30
Takashi Sakikawa. Organizational Resilience and Organizational Culture. Journal of Strategic Management Studies. 2022. 13. 2. 89-101
Takashi Sakikawa. Organizational Resilience and Culture. 国際戦略経営研究学会 The International Academy of Strategic Management 2021年度年次大会 (オンライン開催) 報告要旨集. 2021. 119-122
Takashi Sakikawa. How cultural effects vary between local, non-international firms and non-local, international firms. 2020
Takashi Sakikawa. The Cultural Dimensions and International Strategies of the MNC. 2020
書籍 (3件):
Transforming Japanese Workplaces
Palgrave-Macmillan 2012
The New Japanese Workplace
Graduate School of Modern Society and Culture, Niigata U. 2010
千倉書房 1998
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
Flexible Work Arrangements and Work Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence From Japan, Singapore, and Australia
(The Academy of International Business 2024)
The Connections Between National and Organizational Cultures: Evidence From the UK, the US, Saudi Arabia, Finland, and Japan
(The Association of Japanese Business Studies 2024)
The Connections Between National and Organizational Cultures: Evidence from the UK, the US, Saudi Arabia, and Japan
(国際戦略経営研究学会 2023)
, 経営学会
, 経営行動研究学会
, 国際ビジネス経営研究学会
, Academy of Management (AOM)
, 国際戦略経営研究学会
, Academy of International Business
, the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS)
, Labor and Employment Relations Association