2002 - 2005 Study on Optimization of Water resource planning
MISC (10件):
Split-Pipe Design of Water Distribution Networks Using Simualted Annealing and Combination of Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Congress of Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association. 2004. 77-82
Application of Simulated Annealing for Optimization of Multiple Reservoir System Operation - A Case Study in Mae Klong System, Thailand -. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Land Technology. 2004. 455-460
Split-Pipe Design of Water Distribution Networks Using Simualted Annealing and Combination of Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Congress of Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association. 2004. 77-82
- 2000 Asian Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Engineering Irrigation Engineering and Management
- 1996 カセサート大学 工学部 かんがい工学
- 1996 Kasetsart University Faculty of Engineering and Design Irrigation Engineering
学位 (1件):
工学修士 (カセサート大学(タイ))
所属学会 (5件):
, International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering
, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering
, Japanese Society of Irrigation
, Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association