研究キーワード (5件):
Environmental Effects
, Energy Planning
, Energy Conversation
, Load-leveling Hyper Energy Converting and Utilization Systems
, Energy Systems Engineering
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
Energy Cascading and Load Leveling Hyper Energy Converting and Utilization Systems(LHECUS)
Solution Transportation Absorption Chiller(STA)
Kalina Cycle Feasibility Study and Implimentation
Load Leveling Hyper Energy Converting and Utilization Systems
CO2 Mitigating Effects by Energy Cascading in Metropolitan Areas of OECD/Japan
MISC (2件):
"The Optimal Substitution of Renewable Energies with Fossil Fuels in the Development Plan of Semnan Province Energy System". 1996
"Making MOSFET Transistors with the Procedure of Integrated Circuits". 1993
Works (5件):
Implementation of Long Run Price Elasticity into the MESSAGE Model
2000 -
Optimal Energy Supply System for Long Term Energy Planning of Iran
1998 - 1999
Optimal Substitution of Renewable Energy for Long Run Energy Planning", published in the The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2000(ICEE2K)proceedings, Kitakyusyu City, Japan, July 24-28, 2000
1999 -
Paper titled "Cost of Pollution Control by Introducing Renewable Energy Technologies in the End-Use Sector", presented at the 11<sup>th</sup> Global Warming International Conference & Expo, April 25-28, 2000, Boston USA.
1999 -
Technical Cooperation On Analysis of Energy Conservation and Rational Use of Energy in The Social and Economic Sectors of Iran
1992 - 1997
学歴 (2件):
- 2003 Graduate School Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Energy Systems Engineering
- 1997 Institute for Research in Planning and Development Energy Department Energy Systems Engineering
学位 (2件):
経歴 (4件):
1997 - 1999 Research Associate
1999 - - Ph. D. Student
1994 - 1997 Research Assistant
Young Scientist Summer Program at IIASA(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)