- 1998 - :徳島大学教授ゲノム機能研究センター遺伝情報分野
- 1998 - Director and Professor of Division of Genetic Information,
- 1990 - :徳島大学医学部客員教授臨床分子栄養学(大塚)講座
- 1990 - Professor of Otsuka Department of Clinical and
- 1985 - :文部省在外研究員(アメリカ合衆国Duke大学
- 1985 - Visiting Professor at Division of Metabolism,
- 1980 - :筑波大学講師臨床医学系(代謝内分泌内科)
- 1980 - :アメリカ合衆国Duke大学Medical Centerにて
- 1980 - Assistant Professor of Division of Endocrinology
- 1980 - Research Associate at Duke University Medical Center
- 1976 - :アメリカ合衆国Duke大学Medical Centerにて
- 1976 - Postdoctoral Research and Clinical Fellow at Duke
- Medical Center Visiting Professor)
- Research Associate
- Postdoctoral Research and Clinical Fellow
- Institute for Genome Research, the University of Tokuhsima
- of Tokushima
- Molecular Nutrition, School of Medicine, The University
- (supported by the Ministry of Education and Welfare of Japan)
- Endocrinology, and Genetics, Duke University Medical Center.
- The University of Tsukuba
- and Metabolism, Institute of Clinical Medicine,
- University Medical Center
, 日本免疫学会
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本内分泌学会
, 日本内科学会
, 日本糖尿病学会
, 日本生化学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本遺伝子治療学会
, 日本リウマチ学会
, 日本・痛風・核酸代謝学会
, 遺伝子診断学会
, The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
, The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
, The Japanese Society of Gene Diagnosis and Therapy
, The Japanese Cancer Association
, The Japanese Biochemical Society
, The Japan Society of Gene Therapy
, The Japan Rheumatism Association
, The Japan Endocrine Society
, Japanese Society of Molecular Medicine
, Japanese Society of Gout and Nucleic Acid Metabolism
, Japanese Society for Immunology
, Japan Diabetes Society