Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotaxion
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 2000
Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotaxion
Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology 2000
講演・口頭発表等 (11件):
Pleiotropic action of VacA toxin of Helicobacter pylori: VacA induces GSK3 inhibition trough the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
(Internationa Sympojium onTGF-β Signaling, Inflammation and Cancer Prevention 2009)
Helicobacter pylori VacA induces GSK3 inhibition through the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
(XXII International Workshop on Helicobacter and related bacteria in chronic digestive inflammation and gastric cancer 2009)
Functional significance of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin, VacA, through the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
(第9回あわじしま感染症・免疫フォーラム 2009)
H. pylori VacAによるPI3K/Akt情報伝達経路を介したGSK3の阻害について
(第62回日本細菌学会九州支部総会 2009)