Hidemi Shigekawa. Time-resolved probe of transient carrier dynamics by optical pump-probe STM. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2013. 246
Ultrafast local electric field dynamics on two-dimensional materials using a diamond NV center tip
(ISSP International Workshop "Materials Science of Solids and Surfaces using Radiation Field Controlled in Time/Space Domain")
Single Crystal Growth of FeRh from AuPb Flux
(APS March Meeting 2024)
Optical pump-probe STM/AFM with an externally triggerable laser system
(31st International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM31) 第37回 特別研究会「走査型プローブ顕微鏡」)
Generation and Observation of Bias Voltage Pulses for Time-Resolved Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
(31st International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM31) 第37回 特別研究会「走査型プローブ顕微鏡」)