At the Crossroads of Art and Business
(Monsters Re-Visited: The Fantastic Creatures of Japan II Romanian-American University 2024)
Choosing the no profit path: Business models in Japan
(The 11th International Conference Japan Pre-Modern, Modern, Contemporary Bucharest University of Economic Studies 2024)
Art and Creativity
(SOAS University of London summer course 2024)
Creativity through art: Creative and critical skills for personal development
(SOAS University of London JRC Conference 2024)
Leveraging the Strengths of Japanese companies
(SOAS University of London JRC Conference 2023)
学歴 (3件):
1998 - 2001 神戸商科大学大学院 経営学研究科 博士後期課程
1996 - 1998 神戸商科大学大学院 経営学研究科 修士課程
- 1996 神戸商科大学 商経学部 経営学科
学位 (2件):
修士(経営学) (*神戸商科大学*)
博士(経営学) (兵庫県立大学)
経歴 (2件):
2023/11 - 現在 SOAS University of London Japan Research Centre Special Visiting Professor
2022/09 - 2023/09 SOAS University of London Japan Research Centre