Yuki Ninomiya, Kosuke Kuroishi, Yuka Takagi, and Hajime Nagata. Electrical Properties of Textured Bismuth Layer-Structured Ferroelectric Ceramics with Large Number of Layers (m = 5). Science of Advanced Materials. 2024. 16. 7. 789-794
Ringgaard, Erling, Levassort, Franck, Wang, Ke, Vaitekunas, Jeffrey, Nagata, Hajime. Lead-Free Piezoelectric Transducers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL. 2024. 71. 1. 3-15
Seiji Harada, Yuka Takagi, Hajime Nagata. Reactivity and electrical properties of (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 ceramics fabricated by hydrothermal synthesis using Bi and Ti oxides. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2023. 131. 7. 202-208
Kota Ojima, Kanaka Iwasaki, Seiji Harada, Yuka Takagi and Hajime Nagata. Low-temperature sintering mechanism and electrical properties of CuO-added (Bi 0.5Na0.5 )TiO3 ceramics. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 2023. 131. 7. 209-215
Yuka Takagi, Yuta Ochiai, Mihiro Ito, Takumi Kawagoe, Hajime Nagata, and Isao Sakaguchi. Oxygen tracer diffusion analysis and observation of domain structure in quenched (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 ceramics. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 61. SN1034-1-SN1034-7
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Yuji Hiruma, Rintaro Aoyagi, Hajime Nagata, Tadashi Takenaka. Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (Bi1/2K1/2)TiO3. The 12th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics. 2005. 153-156
永田 肇, 藤田 裕司, 江野沢 寛忠, 坂口 勲, 羽田 肇, 竹中 正. Tracer Diffusion of Oxygen in Donor-doped Bismuth Titanate Ceramics. Extended Abstract of The 11th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics. 2003. 129-132
竹中 正, 永田 肇. Current Status and Prospects of Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramics. Extended Abstract of The 11th US-Japan Seminar on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Ceramics. 2003. 237-244
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Bi 量をコントロールして作製した半透明(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 セラミックスの圧電的諸特性
(第53回EMシンポジウム 2024)
Influence of various additives and aging treatment on the high-power piezoelectric properties of Ba(Zr,Ti)O3-(Ba,Ca)TiO3-based piezoelectric ceramics
(第41回強誘電体会議(FMA41) 2024)