Simulation of Normal Incidence Sound Absorption Coefficients of Perforated Panels with/without Grass Wool by Transmission Line Parameters in a two-port Network
(International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Mterials, & Electronic Engineering (IC4ME2) 2016)
(日本音響学会2015年秋季研究発表会講演論文集 2015)
An Automated Feature Extraction and Decompression induced Gas bubble Detection based on the EMD and DHT
(日本音響学会2015年秋季研究発表会講演論文集 2015)
Speech Production for Japanese Voiced Consonants
(International Conference on Mterials,Electronic & Information Engineering (ICMEIE-2015) 2015)
HMD-HT based Decompression induced Gas Bubble Detection from Doppler Ultrasound Signal
(日本音響学会講演論文集, 3-10-6 2015)