Akira Takagi, Satoko Ohfuji, Takashi Nakano, Hideaki Kumihashi, Munehide Kano, Toshihiro Tanaka. Response to Letter to the Editor: Do Age-related Differences in the Incidence of Mumps Deafness Reflect a True Difference or a Misclassification of Mumps Deafness?. Journal of Epidemiology. 2022. 32. 1. 55-56
Akira Takagi, Satoko Ohfuji, Takashi Nakano, Hideaki Kumihashi, Munehide Kano, Toshihiro Tanaka. Incidence of Mumps Deafness in Japan, 2005-2017: Analysis of Japanese Insurance Claims Database. Journal of Epidemiology. 2022. 32. 1. 21-26
Satoko Ohfuji, Akira Takagi, Takashi Nakano, Hideaki Kumihashi, Munehide Kano, Toshihiro Tanaka. Mumps-Related Disease Burden in Japan: Analysis of JMDC Health Insurance Reimbursement Data for 2005-2017. Journal of Epidemiology. 2021. 31. 8. 464-470
Takao Ozaki, Yasuhiro Goto, Naoko Nishimura, Takashi Nakano, Hideaki Kumihashi, Munehide Kano, Satoko Ohfuji. Effects of a Public Subsidy Program for Mumps Vaccine on Reducing the Disease Burden in Nagoya City, Japan. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2019. 72. 2. 106-111
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