A chronic model of hypertension with increased sympatetic drive in the rat by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase.
In Biology if Nitric Oxide (Portland Press) 1995
A new model of ischemic cardiomyopathy in the rat by inhibition of nitiric oxide synthase.
In Biology of Nitric Oxide (Portland Press) 1995
Local intracellular hypoxia induced by microembolization studied by myoglobin state.
Progress in Microcirculation Research 1994
The alteration of alpha-1 adrenergic signal transduction system in cardiomyopathic hamster heart.
The Adapted Heart (Raven Press) 1994
Characteristic alterations in the mitral flow velocity pattern in association with congestive heart failure.
Recent Progres in Cardiovascular Mechanics. (Academic Press) 1994