研究キーワード (4件):
, アメリカ文学(米文学)
, American History
, American Literature
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
2003 - 2005 ヒロ日系人史の研究及び資料蒐集とデジタル化
2003 - 2005 Research on the Japanese American History in Hilo, Hawaii
1989 - 2000 一世の詩人菅野衣川の生涯
1989 - 2000 Life History of the Issei Poet-Isen Kanno
1988 - 1999 強制収容所内における日系アメリカ人の文学活動
1988 - 1999 Japanese American Literary Movement in the Concentration Camps
1995 - 1998 ベトナム戦争と日系アメリカ人
1995 - 1998 Vietnam War and the Japanese Americans
MISC (35件):
Hole Hole Bushi: A Work Song Composed by the Japanese Immigrants on the Sugar Plantation in Hawaii. Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei University Museum. 2003. 8. 113-130
Hole Hole Bushi: A Work Song Composed by the Japanese Immigrants on the Sugar Plantation in Hawaii. Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei University Museum. 2003. 8. 113-130