Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English Novels and their Cultural Background
MISC (38件):
挑発するキプリング(書名は『キプリング 大英帝国の肖像』. 彩流社. 2004. 31-54頁
疫病の年の記録. 学習院大学文学部研究年報. 2004. 第51輯165-179ページ
On Defoe's Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain. The Annual Collections of Essays and Studies, Faculty of Letters of Gakushuin University. 2002. 49. 95
On Defoe's Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain. The Annual Collections of Essays and Studies, Faculty of Letters of Gakushuin University. 2002. 49. 95