- 1993 - 高大連携による理数科教育の可能性
- 1993 - 大学と連携する高校理数科の設置
- 1993 - 21世紀を目指した新しいタイプの高校理数科の設置について
- 1993 - The possible outcome of the high school science-mathematics course in cooperation with the universities
- 1993 - The establishment of the science-mathematics course at a high school with cooperation of universities.
- 1993 - The Establishment of a New Type of Science-Mathematics Course at a High School, Aiming at the 21st Century
- 地球の構成に関する探求活動を支援するコンピュータソフトの開発
- Development of the Computer Software which Assists Research Activities on the Structure of the Earth