"Between Mosaic and Kaleidoscope: Metabolist's Challenge for Theoreising the World, 1960-1975"
(International Workshop "Glocal Knowledge Production and IR Scholarship in/of East Asia Today", 2017)
"Towards Global Justices: Balance of Justice, Balance of Relationship and Ethics in Post-bybrid Age"
(British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 2016)
"The World in Metamorphosis"
(International Workshop on China and IR Theorisation 2015)
"The World Metamorphosed: The Metabolist’s Challenge and Their Global View"
(International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention 2015)
"Back to Nature: Ecological Worldview and the Development of Post-1945 Kyoto School"
(World International Studies Conference (WISC) Fourth Convention 2014)