J-GLOBAL ID:200901076787044667   更新日: 2023年12月05日

齋藤 剛

サイトウ タケシ | Saito Takeshi
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.aist.go.jp/RESEARCHERDB/cgi-bin/worker_detail.cgi?call=namae&rw_id=T78443879
研究分野 (1件): 分析化学
研究キーワード (1件): NMR 定量分析 定量NMR スペクトルデータベース 標準化
論文 (46件):
  • Steven Westwood, Katrice Lippa, Yoshitaka Shimuzu, Beatrice Lalerle, Takeshi Saito, David Duewer, Xinhua Dai, Stephen Davies, Marina Ricci, Annarita Baldan, et al. Methods for the SI-traceable value assignment of the purity of organic compounds (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2023. 95. 1. 1-77
  • Gabriel Giancaspro, Kristie M. Adams, Sitaram Bhavaraju, Charlotte Corbett, Bernd Diehl, J. Christoph Freudenberger, Klaus Fritsch, Krish Krishnamurthy, Pekka Laatikainen, Gustavo Martos, et al. The qNMR Summit 5.0: Proceedings and Status of qNMR Technology. Analytical Chemistry. 2021. 93. 36. 12162-12169
  • Steven Westwood, Taichi Yamazaki, Ting Huang, Bruno Garrido, Ilker Ün, Wei Zhang, Gustavo Martos, Norbert Stoppacher, Takeshi Saito, Robert Wielgosz. Development and validation of a suite of standards for the purity assignment of organic compounds by quantitative NMR spectroscopy. Metrologia. 2019. 56. 6. 064001-064001
  • Takeshi Saito, Taichi Yamazaki, Masahiko Numata. Development of nuclear magnetic resonance as a tool of quantitative analysis for organic materials. Metrologia. 2019. 56. 5. 054002-054002
  • Masahiko Numata, Yuko Kitamaki, Yoshitaka Shimizu, Taichi Yamazaki, Naoki Saito, Miho Kuroe, Nobuyasu Hanari, Keiichiro Ishikawa, Takeshi Saito, Toshihide Ihara. Conventional and new traceability schemes of organic standards for safe water supply in Japan. METROLOGIA. 2019. 56. 3. 034002-034002
MISC (16件):
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