Takashi Ohtsuki, Yi Huang, Ayane Kamiya, Yuki Nakayama, Miyuki Matsushita, Satoru Morikawa, Hiroshi Matsufuji. Development of an HPLC method using relative molar sensitivity for the measurement of blood concentrations of nine pharmaceutical compounds. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences. 2024. 10. 1
Yushiro Fuji, Kai Uchida, Tomoyoshi Akashi, Takashi Ohtsuki, Hiroshi Matsufuji, Masami Yokota Hirai. Molecular Identification of UDP-Sugar-Dependent Glycosyltransferase and Acyltransferase Involved in the Phenylethanoid Glycoside Biosynthesis Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Sesamum indicum L. Plant and Cell Physiology. 2023. 64. 716-728
Long Chi Nguyen, Dongbo Yang, Vlad Nicolaescu, Thomas J. Best, Haley Gula, Divyasha Saxena, Jon D. Gabbard, Shao-Nong Chen, Takashi Ohtsuki, John Brent Friesen, et al. Cannabidiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication through induction of the host ER stress and innate immune responses. Science Advances. 2022. 8. eabi6110
Takashi Ohtsuki, J. Brent Friesen, Shao-Nong Chen, James B. McAlpine, Guido F. Pauli. Selective preparation and high dynamic-range analysis of cannabinoids in "CBD Oil" and other Cannabis sativa preparations. Journal of Natural Products. 2022. 85. 3. 634-646