- 色彩間における差の研究
- 生活場面における服装意識と生活意識-20代と40代〜50代の男性間の対比-
- 服装意識と服装スタイルイメージ-20代と40〜50代の男性間の対比-
- アパレルコンピュータシステムによる被服デザイン教育の一考察
- A Study on Small Difference in Colors
- Awareness of Clothing and Consciousness about life Style among living Situations -Comparison between Young Male of Twenties and Middle-aged Male of Forties and Fifties
- Awareness of Clothing and Image of Dress Styles - Comparison between Young Male of Twenties and Middle-aged Male of Forties and Fifties-
- An Analysis of Instruction for Textiles and Clothing Design Using Apparel Computer System