研究キーワード (2件):
Cosmic Ray Physics
, Experimental particle physics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (7件):
1995 - 高エネルギー宇宙線頻度の研究
1983 - 高エネルギー電子・陽電子衝突加速器による素粒子反応の研究
1973 - 素粒子検出器の研究開発
R&D of Nuclear Instrument
Study of high-energy cosmic ray arrival time
Elementary particle detector R&D
Study of elementary particle reactions using a high energy e+e- collider
MISC (198件):
A Abashian, K Abe, K Abe, Adachi, I, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Aoki, K Asai, et al. Measurement of the CP violation parameter sin2 phi(1) in B-d(0) meson decays. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2001. 86. 12. 2509-2514
Y Inoue, A Miyamoto, E Nakano, T Takahashi, T Tauchi, Y Teramoto, K Abe, T Abe, Adachi, I, K Adachi, et al. Measurement of the cross-section and forward-backward charge asymmetry for the b and c-quark in e(+)e(-) annihilation with inclusive muons at root s=58 GeV. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C. 2000. 18. 2. 273-282