J-GLOBAL ID:200901079397500024   更新日: 2024年12月18日

Cheron Emmanuel

シエロン エマニュエル | Cheron Emmanuel
ホームページURL (2件): http://sites.google.com/site/echeronhttps://sites.google.com/site/echeron/
研究分野 (1件): 商学
研究キーワード (3件): マーケティングの統計分析 ,  Statistical analysis ,  Marketing
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
  • 2008 - 2010 Perception of Cause-related Marketing: Preliminary Comparison of Western and Japanese Consumers.
  • 2008 - 2010 Perception of Cause-related Marketing: Preliminary Comparison of Western and Japanese Consumers.
  • 2007 - 2010 The Effect of Culture and Gender on Perceived Service Quality: An Exploratory Comparison of Japanese and Thai Consumers.
  • 2007 - 2010 The Effect of Culture and Gender on Perceived Service Quality: An Exploratory Comparison of Japanese and Thai Consumers.
  • 2006 - 2010 Effects of Contextual Congruence in Advertising Execution: The Case of Japanese Culture-Bound Products.
MISC (142件):
  • CHERON EMMANUEL. Perception of Cause-related Marketing: Preliminary Comparison of Western and Japanese Consumers. Sophia International Review. 2010. 32. 32. 1-17
  • CHERON EMMANUEL. Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age, Health Condition and Financial Status: Empirical Evidence from Japan. American Marketing Association, Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 13-16th, 2010. 2010
  • Emmanuel Chéron, Siriluk Nornart. The effect of culture and gender on perceived service quality: An exploratory comparison of Japanese and Thai consumers. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business. 2010. 11. 1. 28-49
  • CHERON EMMANUEL. Perception of Cause-related Marketing: Preliminary Comparison of Western and Japanese Consumers. Sophia International Review. 2010. 32. 1-17
  • CHERON EMMANUEL, Chéron, Emmanuel, Kohlbacher, Florian. Understanding Older Consumers through Cognitive Age, Health Condition and Financial Status: Empirical Evidence from Japan. American Marketing Association, Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 13-16th, 2010. 2010
書籍 (26件):
  • "Elderly Consumers in Japan: The Most Mature "Silver Market" Worldwide", Chapter 4 in Japanese Consumer Dynamics, Edited by Parissa Haghirian
    Palgrave Macmillan 2011 ISBN:9780230242869
  • "Elderly Consumers in Japan: The Most Mature "Silver Market" Worldwide", Chapter 4 in Japanese Consumer Dynamics, Edited by Parissa Haghirian
    Palgrave Macmillan 2011 ISBN:9780230242869
  • SPSS 10.0 pour WINDOWS : guide d'autoformation
    Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec 2001
  • SPSS 10.0 pour WINDOWS : guide d'autoformation
    Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec 2001
  • SPSS 9.0 pour WINDOWS : guide d'autoformation
    Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec 1999
講演・口頭発表等 (4件):
  • Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing.
    (German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo. (http://www.dijtokyo.org/?page=event_detail.php&p_id=516) 2008)
  • Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing.
    (German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo. (http://www.dijtokyo.org/?page=event_detail.php&p_id=516) 2008)
  • Methods and Tools for Data Equivalence in Cross-cultural Marketing Research", in New Approaches to International Marketing: Concepts, Measures, Methods and Strategies.
    (Research Workshop organized by the French Marketing Association and Gfk at Maison de la Recherche, Paris. (No.Part3) 2007)
  • Methods and Tools for Data Equivalence in Cross-cultural Marketing Research", in New Approaches to International Marketing: Concepts, Measures, Methods and Strategies.
    (Research Workshop organized by the French Marketing Association and Gfk at Maison de la Recherche, Paris. (No.Part3) 2007)
経歴 (1件):
  • 2013/04 - 公立大学法人 国際教養大学 グローバル・ビジネス課程 特任教授
受賞 (10件):
  • 2006 - Best Paper Award for a research communication at the Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, organized by the Academy of Marketing Science and the Korean Academy of Marketing Science, July 2006.
  • 2006 - Best Paper Award for a research communication at the Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, organized by the Academy of Marketing Science and the Korean Academy of Marketing Science, July 2006.
  • 2000 - Award for research contribution in the field of Direct Marketing given by the French Marketing Association.
  • 2000 - Award for research contribution in the field of Direct Marketing given by the French Marketing Association.
  • 1985 - Best Paper Award for a research communication at the Second World Marketing Congress, University of Stirling Scotland, organized by the Academy of Marketing Science and the Marketing Education Group (UK).
所属学会 (54件):
Member of the Academy of Marketing Science ,  Member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing ,  American Marketing Association ,  Academy of Marketing Science ,  the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (1997-2001) and the Revue Internationale en Gestion et Management de Projets. ,  the Journal of Teaching in International Business ,  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing ,  the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche (FCAR) (1984, 1987-Present). ,  Examiner for research grant applications to the National Research Council (NRC) ,  Recherche et Applications en Marketing and Gestion. ,  Asian Journal of Social Psychology ,  Japan Association for Consumer Studies ,  Reviewer for articles submitted to Journal of Business Research ,  sales force management and industrial marketing. ,  marketing research ,  marketing principles ,  Scientific reviewer of books in marketing across cultures ,  Reviewer for Recherche et Applications en Marketing (Academic Journal of the French Marketing Society). ,  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing. ,  the Association Francaise de Marketing Congress (1992-Present ,  at the 16th International Research Seminar in Marketing (La Londe les Maures) (1989) ,  Reviewer for research communications and chair of sessions at the Administrative Science Association of Canada Congress (1989-1992) ,  Canada. ,  Montreal ,  Concordia University ,  John Molson School of Business ,  Reviewer for the Royal Bank International Seminar ,  Member of the Editorial Board of Recherche et Applications en Marketing ,  American Marketing Association ,  Academy of Marketing Science ,  the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (1997-2001) and the Revue Internationale en Gestion et Management de Projets. ,  the Journal of Teaching in International Business ,  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing ,  the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche (FCAR) (1984, 1987-Present). ,  Examiner for research grant applications to the National Research Council (NRC) ,  Recherche et Applications en Marketing and Gestion. ,  Asian Journal of Social Psychology ,  Japan Association for Consumer Studies ,  Reviewer for articles submitted to Journal of Business Research ,  sales force management and industrial marketing. ,  marketing research ,  marketing principles ,  Scientific reviewer of books in marketing across cultures ,  Reviewer for Recherche et Applications en Marketing (Academic Journal of the French Marketing Society). ,  Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing. ,  the Association Francaise de Marketing Congress (1992-Present ,  at the 16th International Research Seminar in Marketing (La Londe les Maures) (1989) ,  Reviewer for research communications and chair of sessions at the Administrative Science Association of Canada Congress (1989-1992) ,  Canada. ,  Montreal ,  Concordia University ,  John Molson School of Business ,  Reviewer for the Royal Bank International Seminar ,  Member of the Editorial Board of Recherche et Applications en Marketing
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