Member of the Academy of Marketing Science
, Member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing
, American Marketing Association
, Academy of Marketing Science
, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (1997-2001) and the Revue Internationale en Gestion et Management de Projets.
, the Journal of Teaching in International Business
, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing
, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche (FCAR) (1984, 1987-Present).
, Examiner for research grant applications to the National Research Council (NRC)
, Recherche et Applications en Marketing and Gestion.
, Asian Journal of Social Psychology
, Japan Association for Consumer Studies
, Reviewer for articles submitted to Journal of Business Research
, sales force management and industrial marketing.
, marketing research
, marketing principles
, Scientific reviewer of books in marketing across cultures
, Reviewer for Recherche et Applications en Marketing (Academic Journal of the French Marketing Society).
, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing.
, the Association Francaise de Marketing Congress (1992-Present
, at the 16th International Research Seminar in Marketing (La Londe les Maures) (1989)
, Reviewer for research communications and chair of sessions at the Administrative Science Association of Canada Congress (1989-1992)
, Canada.
, Montreal
, Concordia University
, John Molson School of Business
, Reviewer for the Royal Bank International Seminar
, Member of the Editorial Board of Recherche et Applications en Marketing
, American Marketing Association
, Academy of Marketing Science
, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (1997-2001) and the Revue Internationale en Gestion et Management de Projets.
, the Journal of Teaching in International Business
, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing
, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche (FCAR) (1984, 1987-Present).
, Examiner for research grant applications to the National Research Council (NRC)
, Recherche et Applications en Marketing and Gestion.
, Asian Journal of Social Psychology
, Japan Association for Consumer Studies
, Reviewer for articles submitted to Journal of Business Research
, sales force management and industrial marketing.
, marketing research
, marketing principles
, Scientific reviewer of books in marketing across cultures
, Reviewer for Recherche et Applications en Marketing (Academic Journal of the French Marketing Society).
, Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Consumer Marketing.
, the Association Francaise de Marketing Congress (1992-Present
, at the 16th International Research Seminar in Marketing (La Londe les Maures) (1989)
, Reviewer for research communications and chair of sessions at the Administrative Science Association of Canada Congress (1989-1992)
, Canada.
, Montreal
, Concordia University
, John Molson School of Business
, Reviewer for the Royal Bank International Seminar
, Member of the Editorial Board of Recherche et Applications en Marketing