Study on Intra-Firm, Interregional Divisions of Labour
MISC (6件):
企業内地域間分業-研究動向と分析枠組-. 季刊地理学. 1995. 47. 1. 34
A Study of Intra-firm, Interregional Divisions of Labour-Trends in Research and an Analytical Framework-. Quarterly Journal of Geography. 1995. 47. 1. 34
最上地域における衣服工業の展開と農家の就業形態. 経済地理学年報. 1991. 37. 1. 61
Decentralization of Apparel Factories and Changing Characteristics of Part-time Farmers-A Case Study of Mogami Area-. Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers. 1991. 37. 1. 61