J-GLOBAL ID:200901080338642514   更新日: 2022年09月30日

東梅 友美

トウバイ トモミ | TOUBAI Tomomi
職名: 研究員
研究分野 (1件): 血液、腫瘍内科学
研究キーワード (8件): 感染症学 ,  移植免疫学 ,  造血幹細胞移植 ,  血液内科学 ,  antigen presenting cells ,  graft-versus-leukemia ,  graft-versus-host disease ,  Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 2006 - 造血幹細胞移植時の移植片対宿主病(GVHD)の病態機序解析と効果的な移植片対腫瘍効果(GVT)の誘導法に関する研究
  • 2006 - Immunobiology of graft-versus-host disease and immuno-reconstitution of after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
MISC (85件):
講演・口頭発表等 (12件):
  • Crucial role for cross-presentation in the induction of GVHD by T cells directed against a single immunodominant minor histocompatibility antigen despite lack of epitope spreading
    (2010 BMT Tandem Meetings 2010)
  • Crucial role for cross-presentation in the induction of GVHD by T cells directed against a single immunodominant minor histocompatibility antigen despite lack of epitope spreading
    (2010 BMT Tandem Meetings 2010)
  • Novel vaccination strategy to reduce alloantigen specific responses
    (2009 BMT Tandem Meetings 2009)
  • Ikaros deficiency enhances Notch signaling in host antigen presenting cells and differentially regulates Gvhd and GVL responses after experimental BMT
    (51th Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology (ASH) 2009)
  • Novel vaccination strategy to reduce alloantigen specific responses
    (2009 BMT Tandem Meetings 2009)
学歴 (2件):
  • - 2006 北海道大学大学院医学研究科
  • - 1999 山形大学
学位 (1件):
  • 医学博士
委員歴 (1件):
  • 日本血液学会代議員
受賞 (9件):
  • 2010 - Travel grant: 2010 BMT Tandem Meetings, 2010. 2.24-28, Orlando, FL, USA.
  • 2010 - Travel grant: 2010 BMT Tandem Meetings, 2010. 2.24-28, Orlando, FL, USA.
  • 2008 - Young Investigator Awards (Second place). Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, 2008.2.21-23. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • 2008 - Young Investigator Awards (Second place). Southern Society for Clinical Investigation, 2008.2.21-23. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
  • 2007 - European Commission Marie Curie Actions scholarship: ESH Euroconference on translational research in transplantation, 2007.11.23-25, Leiden, Netherland.
所属学会 (12件):
American soceity of blood and marrow transplantation ,  European society of Hematology ,  American society of Hematology ,  日本化学療法学会 ,  日本輸血・細胞治療学会 ,  日本感染症学会 ,  日本造血細胞移植学会 ,  日本血液学会 ,  日本内科学会 ,  American soceity of blood and marrow transplantation ,  European society of Hematology ,  American society of Hematology
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