研究キーワード (6件):
, 国際通商摩擦
, 国際通商の法と政策
, Japanese Culture and its own Legal mind
, International Trade Frictions
, International Trade Law and Policy
競争的資金等の研究課題 (6件):
1994 - 世界貿易機関(WTO)の研究
1994 - Study of World Trade Organization (WTO)
1984 - アンチダンピングとセーフガードの研究
1984 - Study of Anti-dumping and Safe-guards
1974 - 国際通商政策と法の構造分析
1974 - Analysis of Structure of International Trade Law and Policy
MISC (14件):
切腹-何故にしびれて 日本人. 帝塚山芸術文化. 1999. 6. 1-12
HARAKIRI or Japanese traditional style of suicide ----to be bitterly fascinated and so to be Japanese, WHY?. TEZUKAYAMA GEIJUTSUBUNKA. 1999. 6. 1-12
"DUMPING"or"AntiDUMPING", which is more charming for you? - on some cool friendship between the business practice and the business law in Japan. JABL. 1997. 4. 82-92
An commentary on American Uruguay- Round- Agreements- implementing- Act and its effects on Japanese enterprises (joint authorship)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 1996
日本貿易振興会(JETRO) 1995
NAFTA and its effects on Japanese enterprises (joint authorship)
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 1995