Kagaya, N., Kamiyoshi, A., Nagashima, H., Kawase, M., and Yagi, K. Interantion of rubratoxin B with serum albumin. Mycotoxins. 2005
Kagaya, N., Kamiyoshi, A., Tagawa, Y., Nagashima, H., Kawase, M., and Yagi, K. Tea catechin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, inhibits rubratoxin B-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes through MAPK P38 pathway. Mycotozins. 2005
Kagaya, N., Kamiyoshi, A., Nagashima, H., Kawase, M., and Yagi, K. Interantion of rubratoxin B with serum albumin. Mycotoxins. 2005
Kagaya, N., Kamiyoshi, A., Tagawa, Y., Nagashima, H., Kawase, M., and Yagi, K. Tea catechin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, inhibits rubratoxin B-induced apoptosis of hepatocytes through MAPK P38 pathway. Mycotozins. 2005