J-GLOBAL ID:200901082842829962   更新日: 2022年09月22日

広石 和正

Hiroishi Kazumasa
研究分野 (2件): 消化器内科学 ,  免疫学
研究キーワード (4件): 腫瘍免疫学 ,  消化器病学・肝臓病学 ,  Tumor Immunology ,  Gastroenterology and Hepatology
競争的資金等の研究課題 (2件):
  • 消化器疾患と免疫応答
  • Study on Interferon-alpha Gene Therapy of Cancer
MISC (42件):
講演・口頭発表等 (16件):
  • Efficacy and mechanism of dendritic cell-based immunotherapy with CpG and IFN-alpha-expressing tumor cells for murine colorectal cancer
    (2008 American Association of Cancer Research 99th Annual Meeting 2008)
  • Magnitude of HCV-specific CD8+ T cell responses and severity of hepatitis do not determine the outcome in acute HCV infection
    (The Liver Meeting 2008, The 59th Annual Meeting of The American Association for The Study of Liver Diseases 2008)
  • Intrahepatic status of regulatory T cells in autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis C, and chronic hepatitis B
    (The Liver Meeting 2007, The 58th Annual Meeting of The American Association for The Study of Liver Diseases 2007)
  • CpG-ODNs in combination with IFN-α-expressing tumor cells enhance DC maturation and the DC vaccination effectively suppresses the growth of the established tumors
    (97th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research 2006)
  • The mechanisms of antitumor effects are different between IFN-α, IL-4 and IL-12 gene therapy in a poorly immunogenic colorectal cancer model
    (96th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research 2005)
学歴 (4件):
  • - 1991 昭和大学 医学研究科 消化器内科学
  • - 1991 昭和大学
  • - 1987 昭和大学 医学部 医学科
  • - 1987 昭和大学
学位 (1件):
  • 博士 (昭和大学)
所属学会 (5件):
日本癌学会 ,  日本肝臓学会 ,  日本消化器内視鏡学会 ,  日本消化器病学会 ,  日本内科学会
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